"About" Page Redesign

As we geared towards a modernized web presence, Marketing & Digital were tasked with refreshing the initial “Fast Facts” page.

The resulting page was so well-received that it became the new University “About” page.


Fairfield University




Web Design

Scroll! : )




3 Sections

Text Heavy

Bland Design

The original “Fast Facts” page was little more than that. A few visuals with respective, yet droning bulleted lists, and a list of notable alumni. Sure, the info is quick to read through, but damn is it boring.


Armed with fresh, branded copy, crisp visuals, and a general direction of wanting a “more graphically interesting” design, I got to work on the redesign.

There were a few rounds of edits and collaborative efforts between Digital and Marketing, but — ultimately — we landed on a design that was worthy of replacing both the “Fast Facts” and original “About Us” page. Take a look at the results; I think they speaks for themselves.

10 Sections

Visually Engaging

Informative Experience

Time Capsule

Go Back to the Past

I created a snapshot of the “Awards Dinner” landing page on web.archive.org once it went live. Wanna check it out? Head over to Wayback Machine to see the design preserved in all its glory as a dot on a historical, digital timeline.

Stay in the Present

...Or you can check out the live page as it stands on the website. See if you can spot any differences in my versio vs. the live version. At this point in time, is it the same still? Has it been totally reworked? We won’t know until we compare!

Get in touch.

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